3.2. Object-Oriented Design for Implementation¶ Open the notebook in SageMaker Studio Lab
In our introduction to linear regression, we walked through various components including the data, the model, the loss function, and the optimization algorithm. Indeed, linear regression is one of the simplest machine learning models. Training it, however, uses many of the same components that other models in this book require. Therefore, before diving into the implementation details it is worth designing some of the APIs that we use throughout. Treating components in deep learning as objects, we can start by defining classes for these objects and their interactions. This object-oriented design for implementation will greatly streamline the presentation and you might even want to use it in your projects.
Inspired by open-source libraries such as PyTorch
Lightning, at a high level we wish
to have three classes: (i) Module
contains models, losses, and
optimization methods; (ii) DataModule
provides data loaders for
training and validation; (iii) both classes are combined using the
class, which allows us to train models on a variety of
hardware platforms. Most code in this book adapts Module
. We will touch upon the Trainer
class only when we
discuss GPUs, CPUs, parallel training, and optimization algorithms.
import time
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from d2l import torch as d2l
import time
import numpy as np
from mxnet.gluon import nn
from d2l import mxnet as d2l
import time
from dataclasses import field
from typing import Any
import jax
import numpy as np
from flax import linen as nn
from flax.training import train_state
from jax import numpy as jnp
from d2l import jax as d2l
No GPU/TPU found, falling back to CPU. (Set TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL=0 and rerun for more info.)
import time
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from d2l import tensorflow as d2l
3.2.1. Utilities¶
We need a few utilities to simplify object-oriented programming in Jupyter notebooks. One of the challenges is that class definitions tend to be fairly long blocks of code. Notebook readability demands short code fragments, interspersed with explanations, a requirement incompatible with the style of programming common for Python libraries. The first utility function allows us to register functions as methods in a class after the class has been created. In fact, we can do so even after we have created instances of the class! It allows us to split the implementation of a class into multiple code blocks.
def add_to_class(Class): #@save
"""Register functions as methods in created class."""
def wrapper(obj):
setattr(Class, obj.__name__, obj)
return wrapper
Let’s have a quick look at how to use it. We plan to implement a class
with a method do
. Instead of having code for both A
in the same code block, we can first declare the class A
create an instance a
class A:
def __init__(self):
self.b = 1
a = A()
Next we define the method do
as we normally would, but not in class
’s scope. Instead, we decorate this method by add_to_class
with class A
as its argument. In doing so, the method is able to
access the member variables of A
just as we would expect had it been
included as part of A
’s definition. Let’s see what happens when we
invoke it for the instance a
def do(self):
print('Class attribute "b" is', self.b)
Class attribute "b" is 1
def do(self):
print('Class attribute "b" is', self.b)
Class attribute "b" is 1
def do(self):
print('Class attribute "b" is', self.b)
Class attribute "b" is 1
def do(self):
print('Class attribute "b" is', self.b)
Class attribute "b" is 1
The second one is a utility class that saves all arguments in a class’s
method as class attributes. This allows us to extend
constructor call signatures implicitly without additional code.
class HyperParameters: #@save
"""The base class of hyperparameters."""
def save_hyperparameters(self, ignore=[]):
raise NotImplemented
We defer its implementation into Section 23.7. To use it, we
define our class that inherits from HyperParameters
and calls
in the __init__
# Call the fully implemented HyperParameters class saved in d2l
class B(d2l.HyperParameters):
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
print('self.a =', self.a, 'self.b =', self.b)
print('There is no self.c =', not hasattr(self, 'c'))
b = B(a=1, b=2, c=3)
self.a = 1 self.b = 2
There is no self.c = True
# Call the fully implemented HyperParameters class saved in d2l
class B(d2l.HyperParameters):
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
print('self.a =', self.a, 'self.b =', self.b)
print('There is no self.c =', not hasattr(self, 'c'))
b = B(a=1, b=2, c=3)
self.a = 1 self.b = 2
There is no self.c = True
# Call the fully implemented HyperParameters class saved in d2l
class B(d2l.HyperParameters):
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
print('self.a =', self.a, 'self.b =', self.b)
print('There is no self.c =', not hasattr(self, 'c'))
b = B(a=1, b=2, c=3)
self.a = 1 self.b = 2
There is no self.c = True
# Call the fully implemented HyperParameters class saved in d2l
class B(d2l.HyperParameters):
def __init__(self, a, b, c):
print('self.a =', self.a, 'self.b =', self.b)
print('There is no self.c =', not hasattr(self, 'c'))
b = B(a=1, b=2, c=3)
self.a = 1 self.b = 2
There is no self.c = True
The final utility allows us to plot experiment progress interactively
while it is going on. In deference to the much more powerful (and
complex) TensorBoard we
name it ProgressBoard
. The implementation is deferred to
Section 23.7. For now, let’s simply see it in action.
The draw
method plots a point (x, y)
in the figure, with
specified in the legend. The optional every_n
smooths the
line by only showing \(1/n\) points in the figure. Their values are
averaged from the \(n\) neighbor points in the original figure.
class ProgressBoard(d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The board that plots data points in animation."""
def __init__(self, xlabel=None, ylabel=None, xlim=None,
ylim=None, xscale='linear', yscale='linear',
ls=['-', '--', '-.', ':'], colors=['C0', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3'],
fig=None, axes=None, figsize=(3.5, 2.5), display=True):
def draw(self, x, y, label, every_n=1):
raise NotImplemented
In the following example, we draw sin
and cos
with a different
smoothness. If you run this code block, you will see the lines grow in
board = d2l.ProgressBoard('x')
for x in np.arange(0, 10, 0.1):
board.draw(x, np.sin(x), 'sin', every_n=2)
board.draw(x, np.cos(x), 'cos', every_n=10)
board = d2l.ProgressBoard('x')
for x in np.arange(0, 10, 0.1):
board.draw(x, np.sin(x), 'sin', every_n=2)
board.draw(x, np.cos(x), 'cos', every_n=10)
board = d2l.ProgressBoard('x')
for x in np.arange(0, 10, 0.1):
board.draw(x, np.sin(x), 'sin', every_n=2)
board.draw(x, np.cos(x), 'cos', every_n=10)
board = d2l.ProgressBoard('x')
for x in np.arange(0, 10, 0.1):
board.draw(x, np.sin(x), 'sin', every_n=2)
board.draw(x, np.cos(x), 'cos', every_n=10)
3.2.2. Models¶
The Module
class is the base class of all models we will implement.
At the very least we need three methods. The first, __init__
, stores
the learnable parameters, the training_step
method accepts a data
batch to return the loss value, and finally, configure_optimizers
returns the optimization method, or a list of them, that is used to
update the learnable parameters. Optionally we can define
to report the evaluation measures. Sometimes we put
the code for computing the output into a separate forward
method to
make it more reusable.
class Module(nn.Module, d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class of models."""
def __init__(self, plot_train_per_epoch=2, plot_valid_per_epoch=1):
self.board = ProgressBoard()
def loss(self, y_hat, y):
raise NotImplementedError
def forward(self, X):
assert hasattr(self, 'net'), 'Neural network is defined'
return self.net(X)
def plot(self, key, value, train):
"""Plot a point in animation."""
assert hasattr(self, 'trainer'), 'Trainer is not inited'
self.board.xlabel = 'epoch'
if train:
x = self.trainer.train_batch_idx / \
n = self.trainer.num_train_batches / \
x = self.trainer.epoch + 1
n = self.trainer.num_val_batches / \
self.board.draw(x, value.to(d2l.cpu()).detach().numpy(),
('train_' if train else 'val_') + key,
def training_step(self, batch):
l = self.loss(self(*batch[:-1]), batch[-1])
self.plot('loss', l, train=True)
return l
def validation_step(self, batch):
l = self.loss(self(*batch[:-1]), batch[-1])
self.plot('loss', l, train=False)
def configure_optimizers(self):
raise NotImplementedError
You may notice that Module
is a subclass of nn.Module
, the base
class of neural networks in PyTorch. It provides convenient features for
handling neural networks. For example, if we define a forward
method, such as forward(self, X)
, then for an instance a
we can
invoke this method by a(X)
. This works since it calls the
method in the built-in __call__
method. You can find
more details and examples about nn.Module
Section 6.1.
class Module(nn.Block, d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class of models."""
def __init__(self, plot_train_per_epoch=2, plot_valid_per_epoch=1):
self.board = ProgressBoard()
def loss(self, y_hat, y):
raise NotImplementedError
def forward(self, X):
assert hasattr(self, 'net'), 'Neural network is defined'
return self.net(X)
def plot(self, key, value, train):
"""Plot a point in animation."""
assert hasattr(self, 'trainer'), 'Trainer is not inited'
self.board.xlabel = 'epoch'
if train:
x = self.trainer.train_batch_idx / \
n = self.trainer.num_train_batches / \
x = self.trainer.epoch + 1
n = self.trainer.num_val_batches / \
self.board.draw(x, value.asnumpy(), (
'train_' if train else 'val_') + key, every_n=int(n))
def training_step(self, batch):
l = self.loss(self(*batch[:-1]), batch[-1])
self.plot('loss', l, train=True)
return l
def validation_step(self, batch):
l = self.loss(self(*batch[:-1]), batch[-1])
self.plot('loss', l, train=False)
def configure_optimizers(self):
raise NotImplementedError
You may notice that Module
is a subclass of nn.Block
, the base
class of neural networks in Gluon. It provides convenient features for
handling neural networks. For example, if we define a forward
method, such as forward(self, X)
, then for an instance a
we can
invoke this method by a(X)
. This works since it calls the
method in the built-in __call__
method. You can find
more details and examples about nn.Block
Section 6.1.
With the introduction of
dataclasses in
Python 3.7, classes decorated with @dataclass
automatically add
magic methods such as __init__
and __repr__
. The member
variables are defined using type annotations. All Flax modules are
Python 3.7 dataclasses.
class Module(nn.Module, d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class of models."""
# No need for save_hyperparam when using Python dataclass
plot_train_per_epoch: int = field(default=2, init=False)
plot_valid_per_epoch: int = field(default=1, init=False)
# Use default_factory to make sure new plots are generated on each run
board: ProgressBoard = field(default_factory=lambda: ProgressBoard(),
def loss(self, y_hat, y):
raise NotImplementedError
# JAX & Flax do not have a forward-method-like syntax. Flax uses setup
# and built-in __call__ magic methods for forward pass. Adding here
# for consistency
def forward(self, X, *args, **kwargs):
assert hasattr(self, 'net'), 'Neural network is defined'
return self.net(X, *args, **kwargs)
def __call__(self, X, *args, **kwargs):
return self.forward(X, *args, **kwargs)
def plot(self, key, value, train):
"""Plot a point in animation."""
assert hasattr(self, 'trainer'), 'Trainer is not inited'
self.board.xlabel = 'epoch'
if train:
x = self.trainer.train_batch_idx / \
n = self.trainer.num_train_batches / \
x = self.trainer.epoch + 1
n = self.trainer.num_val_batches / \
self.board.draw(x, jax.device_put(value, d2l.cpu()),
('train_' if train else 'val_') + key,
def training_step(self, params, batch, state):
l, grads = jax.value_and_grad(self.loss)(params, batch[:-1],
batch[-1], state)
self.plot("loss", l, train=True)
return l, grads
def validation_step(self, params, batch, state):
l = self.loss(params, batch[:-1], batch[-1], state)
self.plot('loss', l, train=False)
def apply_init(self, dummy_input, key):
"""To be defined later in :numref:`sec_lazy_init`"""
raise NotImplementedError
def configure_optimizers(self):
raise NotImplementedError
You may notice that Module
is a subclass of linen.Module
, the
base class of neural networks in Flax. It provides convenient features
for handling neural networks. For example, it handles the model
parameters, provides the nn.compact
decorator to simplify code,
invokes the __call__
method among other things. Here we also
redirect __call__
to the forward
method. We do this to make our
code more similar to other framework implementations.
class Module(tf.keras.Model, d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class of models."""
def __init__(self, plot_train_per_epoch=2, plot_valid_per_epoch=1):
self.board = ProgressBoard()
self.training = None
def loss(self, y_hat, y):
raise NotImplementedError
def forward(self, X):
assert hasattr(self, 'net'), 'Neural network is defined'
return self.net(X)
def call(self, X, *args, **kwargs):
if kwargs and "training" in kwargs:
self.training = kwargs['training']
return self.forward(X, *args)
def plot(self, key, value, train):
"""Plot a point in animation."""
assert hasattr(self, 'trainer'), 'Trainer is not inited'
self.board.xlabel = 'epoch'
if train:
x = self.trainer.train_batch_idx / \
n = self.trainer.num_train_batches / \
x = self.trainer.epoch + 1
n = self.trainer.num_val_batches / \
self.board.draw(x, value.numpy(), (
'train_' if train else 'val_') + key, every_n=int(n))
def training_step(self, batch):
l = self.loss(self(*batch[:-1]), batch[-1])
self.plot('loss', l, train=True)
return l
def validation_step(self, batch):
l = self.loss(self(*batch[:-1]), batch[-1])
self.plot('loss', l, train=False)
def configure_optimizers(self):
raise NotImplementedError
You may notice that Module
is a subclass of tf.keras.Model
, the
base class of neural networks in TensorFlow. It provides convenient
features for handling neural networks. For example, it invokes the
method in the built-in __call__
method. Here we redirect
to the forward
method, saving its arguments as a class
attribute. We do this to make our code more similar to other framework
3.2.3. Data¶
The DataModule
class is the base class for data. Quite frequently
the __init__
method is used to prepare the data. This includes
downloading and preprocessing if needed. The train_dataloader
returns the data loader for the training dataset. A data loader is a
(Python) generator that yields a data batch each time it is used. This
batch is then fed into the training_step
method of Module
compute the loss. There is an optional val_dataloader
to return the
validation dataset loader. It behaves in the same manner, except that it
yields data batches for the validation_step
method in Module
class DataModule(d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class of data."""
def __init__(self, root='../data', num_workers=4):
def get_dataloader(self, train):
raise NotImplementedError
def train_dataloader(self):
return self.get_dataloader(train=True)
def val_dataloader(self):
return self.get_dataloader(train=False)
class DataModule(d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class of data."""
def __init__(self, root='../data', num_workers=4):
def get_dataloader(self, train):
raise NotImplementedError
def train_dataloader(self):
return self.get_dataloader(train=True)
def val_dataloader(self):
return self.get_dataloader(train=False)
class DataModule(d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class of data."""
def __init__(self, root='../data'):
def get_dataloader(self, train):
raise NotImplementedError
def train_dataloader(self):
return self.get_dataloader(train=True)
def val_dataloader(self):
return self.get_dataloader(train=False)
class DataModule(d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class of data."""
def __init__(self, root='../data'):
def get_dataloader(self, train):
raise NotImplementedError
def train_dataloader(self):
return self.get_dataloader(train=True)
def val_dataloader(self):
return self.get_dataloader(train=False)
3.2.4. Training¶
The Trainer
class trains the learnable parameters in the Module
class with data specified in DataModule
. The key method is fit
which accepts two arguments: model
, an instance of Module
, and
, an instance of DataModule
. It then iterates over the
entire dataset max_epochs
times to train the model. As before, we
will defer the implementation of this method to later chapters.
class Trainer(d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class for training models with data."""
def __init__(self, max_epochs, num_gpus=0, gradient_clip_val=0):
assert num_gpus == 0, 'No GPU support yet'
def prepare_data(self, data):
self.train_dataloader = data.train_dataloader()
self.val_dataloader = data.val_dataloader()
self.num_train_batches = len(self.train_dataloader)
self.num_val_batches = (len(self.val_dataloader)
if self.val_dataloader is not None else 0)
def prepare_model(self, model):
model.trainer = self
model.board.xlim = [0, self.max_epochs]
self.model = model
def fit(self, model, data):
self.optim = model.configure_optimizers()
self.epoch = 0
self.train_batch_idx = 0
self.val_batch_idx = 0
for self.epoch in range(self.max_epochs):
def fit_epoch(self):
raise NotImplementedError
The Trainer
class trains the learnable parameters in the Module
class with data specified in DataModule
. The key method is fit
which accepts two arguments: model
, an instance of Module
, and
, an instance of DataModule
. It then iterates over the
entire dataset max_epochs
times to train the model. As before, we
will defer the implementation of this method to later chapters.
class Trainer(d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class for training models with data."""
def __init__(self, max_epochs, num_gpus=0, gradient_clip_val=0):
assert num_gpus == 0, 'No GPU support yet'
def prepare_data(self, data):
self.train_dataloader = data.train_dataloader()
self.val_dataloader = data.val_dataloader()
self.num_train_batches = len(self.train_dataloader)
self.num_val_batches = (len(self.val_dataloader)
if self.val_dataloader is not None else 0)
def prepare_model(self, model):
model.trainer = self
model.board.xlim = [0, self.max_epochs]
self.model = model
def fit(self, model, data):
self.optim = model.configure_optimizers()
self.epoch = 0
self.train_batch_idx = 0
self.val_batch_idx = 0
for self.epoch in range(self.max_epochs):
def fit_epoch(self):
raise NotImplementedError
The Trainer
class trains the learnable parameters params
data specified in DataModule
. The key method is fit
, which
accepts three arguments: model
, an instance of Module
, data
an instance of DataModule
, and key
, a JAX PRNGKeyArray
. We
make the key
argument optional here to simplify the interface, but
it is recommended to always pass and initialize the model parameters
with a root key in JAX and Flax. It then iterates over the entire
dataset max_epochs
times to train the model. As before, we will
defer the implementation of this method to later chapters.
class Trainer(d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class for training models with data."""
def __init__(self, max_epochs, num_gpus=0, gradient_clip_val=0):
assert num_gpus == 0, 'No GPU support yet'
def prepare_data(self, data):
self.train_dataloader = data.train_dataloader()
self.val_dataloader = data.val_dataloader()
self.num_train_batches = len(self.train_dataloader)
self.num_val_batches = (len(self.val_dataloader)
if self.val_dataloader is not None else 0)
def prepare_model(self, model):
model.trainer = self
model.board.xlim = [0, self.max_epochs]
self.model = model
def fit(self, model, data, key=None):
self.optim = model.configure_optimizers()
if key is None:
root_key = d2l.get_key()
root_key = key
params_key, dropout_key = jax.random.split(root_key)
key = {'params': params_key, 'dropout': dropout_key}
dummy_input = next(iter(self.train_dataloader))[:-1]
variables = model.apply_init(dummy_input, key=key)
params = variables['params']
if 'batch_stats' in variables.keys():
# Here batch_stats will be used later (e.g., for batch norm)
batch_stats = variables['batch_stats']
batch_stats = {}
# Flax uses optax under the hood for a single state obj TrainState.
# More will be discussed later in the dropout and batch
# normalization section
class TrainState(train_state.TrainState):
batch_stats: Any
dropout_rng: jax.random.PRNGKeyArray
self.state = TrainState.create(apply_fn=model.apply,
self.epoch = 0
self.train_batch_idx = 0
self.val_batch_idx = 0
for self.epoch in range(self.max_epochs):
def fit_epoch(self):
raise NotImplementedError
The Trainer
class trains the learnable parameters in the Module
class with data specified in DataModule
. The key method is fit
which accepts two arguments: model
, an instance of Module
, and
, an instance of DataModule
. It then iterates over the
entire dataset max_epochs
times to train the model. As before, we
will defer the implementation of this method to later chapters.
class Trainer(d2l.HyperParameters): #@save
"""The base class for training models with data."""
def __init__(self, max_epochs, num_gpus=0, gradient_clip_val=0):
assert num_gpus == 0, 'No GPU support yet'
def prepare_data(self, data):
self.train_dataloader = data.train_dataloader()
self.val_dataloader = data.val_dataloader()
self.num_train_batches = len(self.train_dataloader)
self.num_val_batches = (len(self.val_dataloader)
if self.val_dataloader is not None else 0)
def prepare_model(self, model):
model.trainer = self
model.board.xlim = [0, self.max_epochs]
self.model = model
def fit(self, model, data):
self.optim = model.configure_optimizers()
self.epoch = 0
self.train_batch_idx = 0
self.val_batch_idx = 0
for self.epoch in range(self.max_epochs):
def fit_epoch(self):
raise NotImplementedError
3.2.5. Summary¶
To highlight the object-oriented design for our future deep learning
implementation, the above classes simply show how their objects store
data and interact with each other. We will keep enriching
implementations of these classes, such as via @add_to_class
, in the
rest of the book. Moreover, these fully implemented classes are saved in
the D2L library,
a lightweight toolkit that makes structured modeling for deep learning
easy. In particular, it facilitates reusing many components between
projects without changing much at all. For instance, we can replace just
the optimizer, just the model, just the dataset, etc.; this degree of
modularity pays dividends throughout the book in terms of conciseness
and simplicity (this is why we added it) and it can do the same for your
own projects.
3.2.6. Exercises¶
Locate full implementations of the above classes that are saved in the D2L library. We strongly recommend that you look at the implementation in detail once you have gained some more familiarity with deep learning modeling.
Remove the
statement in theB
class. Can you still printself.a
? Optional: if you have dived into the full implementation of theHyperParameters
class, can you explain why?